Sunday, March 29, 2009

The good news and bad news of being unemployed, part 1

  • The good news is now that I'm unemployed, I have time to do all those little jobs around the house I haven't gotten around to. The bad news is, they all involve outlays of disposable income, of which I have none!
  • The bad news is that in the worst case scenario, we might lose our home. The good news is that the weather will warm up soon, so living outdoors won't be as bad.
  • The good news: a much lower federal income tax burden next year. The bad news: much lower income this year.
  • The good news is I'm conserving water and lowering my carbon footprint. The bad news is I have no reason to shower and no where to go.
  • The good news is that I finally have an answer when someone asks me 'what's new?' The bad news is the answer...
I'll have others later...

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