Wednesday, February 1, 2012

in which our hero closes Christmas 2011

We put away Christmas this week, just ahead of a self-imposed end-of-January deadline. Well, not exactly. We packed the decorations into various assorted and sundry containers and hauled them upstairs to the guest room. They'll get moved into the attic when I recover from all those trips up and down the stairs.I get wistful whenever we bring down the Christmas decorations, but this year was especially hard. I told the C&D it sorta feels like Christmas never quite arrived this year. We did the usual stuff - cookie extravaganza, dinner and presents with my folks, dinner and presents with her folks, presents with kids and grandkids - but it seemed disjointed and disconnected somehow. All the right traditions, but the timing was mixed up.

For starters, we had Christmas in Oklahoma during our Thanksgiving visit, because Shane's knee surgery was going to keep them from traveling in December. The upside for the Kirbys was the first wedding anniversary (Dec 24) celebrated just the two of them in their seven year marriage. The downside was no Kirbys at 1359 N Forrest on Dec 25.

There were no Braxtons, either, on account of Preggo Meggo's travel restrictions due to the proximity to her Dec 29 due date. It was the right call, because as much as I would have loved Lucky Penny to arrive for Christmas, I sure didn't want her to arrive in my family room. We needed schedule flexibility from Dec 22 on, in case Penny came early. One thing the C&D was adamant about was she was going to be present for the birth of Grandchild #3. If the call came, we were getting into the car and heading east, even if it meant telling whoever was sitting at the dining room table to lock up when they left.

To avoid that possibility (which even I know is rude, even if it's family), we scheduled Christmas with our families the weekend before Christmas, rather than the usual weekend of. Who knew a simple preposition carried so much weight? It was just... different.

The third Christmas celebration came New Year's weekend, when we went to Megan and Nate's to prepare for Penny. We had lots of time to get everything perfect, because Penny was in no hurry to arrive. Not only did she miss being a Christmas baby, she missed being a due date baby, she missed being a 2011 baby, and she missed being a New Year's baby. The only thing she didn't miss was being induced, but only by a day. But she was worth waiting for - it was beyond wonderful to see our baby girl have a baby girl and become a family.

Not that it all wasn't nice, because I adore my family and my in-laws. And I quite enjoyed being with my best friend and soulmate on Christmas day, just the two of us, for the first time in 31 years. But being the Neanderthal traditionalist I am, I told my Charming and Delightful that while I enjoyed this different holiday season, I hoped it didn't become normal. As hard as I've tried to become more unselfish, more of a servant leader to my family, I admit I want to go back to 'normal'.

Next year, I want too many people in the house, too much noise, too many dogs underfoot, too much garbage, too little sleep, too much to eat, and too soon it's time to go. I'll still be a little sad when it's time to put away the decorations, but you know what? That's normal, too.

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