Thursday, January 7, 2010

in which our hero contemplates returning to work...

T-minus 24 days until the return to gainful employment. While obviously a happy happy joy joy event, there are always two sides to every coin. So, if I had a big sheet of paper with two columns labeled Pro and Con, what would be listed (in no particular order)?


1. The end of personal hygiene slacking. For the last 11 months, if I didn't want to take a shower, so what? But at the cubicle farm, the natives frown upon smelling like a randy goat. The Charming and Delightful may not see this as a con, but her good manners have kept her from commenting.
2. No more endless procrastination. Didn't get to it today? No biggie, there's always tomorrow. Taken to extremes, this could lead to a general laziness, evidenced by the fact that I've never weighed more in my life. Come to think of it, perhaps I could benefit from some structure in my life.
3. The dogs have gotten very used to having someone with them 24-7. That may not be true con. Their schedule basically consists of wake up, go outside, eat breakfast, early-am nap, mid-morning nap, pre-lunch nap, lunch nap, early-afternoon nap, afternoon nap, wag tail when garage door opens. The only difference will be with me gone, the naps will ALL be on the couch, as opposed to about half of them now.
4. Schedule restrictions. The hours between 8 and 5 are currently pretty open. If I want to go grocery shopping, get a haircut, browse the internet, see the doctor, etc etc, it's easy peesey. Soon, it will be that whole trading time for dollars thing, as those who provide the dollars will want a say in how I spend the time. Of course, with the way I'm spending my time now, any change will be an automatic upgrade.


1. On the last working day of the month, the checking account receives a huge infusion of dollarooskees. Many, many more than the current employment arrangement provides.

On balance, it's no contest. When I walk back through the door February 1, I'll say the same thing I've said every day since I was invited to return: thank you, God!

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