Friday, December 17, 2010

in which our hero says makes his first 2011 resolution...

2011 Resolution #1: Make better decisions.

I decided to check my brand new bag in Little Rock, so I wouldn't have to stand in the freezing jetway and retrieve it from the plane-side checking. Oops, New Bag doesn't make the Chicago to Peoria leg of the trip. Double Oops, the car keys are in the New Bag. Triple Oops, wake the C&D at 12:15am to come get me at the airport. Quadruple Oops, airline breaks off one of the New Bag's wheels. Quintile Oops, airline says don't look at us, we're not responsible in any way, shape or form. Thanks for nothing, I say. God bless the New Bag service department, who apologized, and cheerfully arranged to send me a new wheel.

I think maybe I'll just Fed Ex myself next time...